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New Arts blogging course with a discount for you!

I’ll be honest with you: of all the social media that I participate in, blogging is the hardest. There’s a couple of reasons for this. First off, blogging takes more time than anything else. It’s a five-minute job for me to create a new Facebook event, or update it with the latest review. It takes me 30 seconds to Twitter. But blogging is a time commitment of about 2-5 hours per week, if you want to be consistent and build up a following.

Secondly, there’s the problem of inspiration. If you have a niche arts blog, it can sometimes be very difficult to come up with 2-3 new posts per week, even if those posts are short. I have to admit, sometimes my inspiration well is can be pretty dry.

Well, help is at hand. Marianne Devine writes a great blog called smArts and Culture, and like me, she’s dedicated to helping artists to market their work. She has a brand-new 10-week course to help you start a blog, or breathe new life into your existing one. It’s called Arts Blogging–Without the Angst.

It’s available now, and if you use this code ARTOFTHEBIZ, you will get a 30% disount. Check it out–I highly recommend it!

UPDATE: The discount ends August 15, so get a move on!

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