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How to post a calendar of events on your WP blog

Simon and I did a workshop last week at the Alliance, and Amy, who attended, asked me how to post a calendar of events on her WordPress-hosted blog.

Amy, (and the rest of you!) here you go:

1. Go to Google and get an account if you don’t already have one (and if you don’t, I mean, come on, now!).  When you’re signed in, click on “Calendar.” You should create a new calendar for this that will ONLY be dedicated to your events.

2. Make the calendar public. You do this by clicking on the calendar’s “Settings” button (the triangle beside the calendar has this link). Click on the “Share this Calendar” tab at the top, then check the box marked “Make this Calendar public”

3. Now you need to get your Calendar’s RSS feed. Go back to “Calendar Details,” the first tab at the top. Under “Calendar Address,” click on the orange button marked XML, and copy the code that it generates.

4. Log in to your WordPress Blog, and go to Appearance–>Widgets. Drag and drop an RSS widget into your sidebar. Paste the code into that widget. You can give it a title if you like. Save and close.

5. Your calendar of events is now in your sidebar. It will look like this:

If you have a self-hosted WordPress blog, simply do a search for calendar widgets, and I’m sure you’ll find something that works for you.

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