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Some new and exciting things are kicking off the New Year here at the World Headquarters of Rebecca Coleman, Marketing and Media Relations.

An Electronic version of my book: I have finally gotten my book into a EPUB format. This means that if you have any kind of EPUB reader, you can download and read it on your mobile device. It’s compatible with IPhone, IPad, Kindle, and all those guys. Oh, and I’m selling it cheaper (sorry, less expensively)  than the hard-copy version, just $9.99.

Top Posts: a long time ago, when I was reading Darren Rowse’s (ProBlogger) 31 Days to Becoming a Better Blogger course, I learned about the concept of sneeze pages. I liked the idea, but it’s only been since I’ve been on my own hosted blog that I’ve been able to put it into practice. If you look over there on the right, in the sidebar under Top Posts, you’ll see a series of pages that list my best posts in certain categories: Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. It’s a really great resource because everything is all together in one place.

More! More! More!: As you know, I did a survey before Christmas, and one thing I learned from that is that by far you guys seem to really dig the “how to” posts. So, I want to write more of those, I’m hoping to write one a week. So, if there is something you are currently struggling with, email me or leave it in the comments section below, and I’ll do the best I can to answer your question in a blog post.

And a little tease… I’m working on an online course. Just for you. For free. ‘Cause that’s how I roll. Details to come.

I promise I’ll never say “‘Cause that’s how I roll” again.

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