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The post I never thought I’d write

I love books. I own a lot of books. I was an English/Drama major in University, and ever since I graduated, twenty years worth of moves, including one cross-country one, I have dragged with me boxes and boxes of novels, plays and cookbooks. I love them, and I can’t make myself give them up.

I recently got an IPhone, and was subsequently turned on to the world of EBooks. And here’s the shocking part: I love it.

I never in a million, bajillion years I would say this, because I consider myself to be so old school in this regard, but I love having books on my IPhone.

As a small business owner, I feel like it’s my responsibility to continuously be educating myself. I don’t have the kind of schedule that accommodates classes, so I educate myself by reading blogs and books. I have a stack of books going at any one time that I’m working my way through. If I head out the door to day of meetings, there might be time between meetings where I’ll grab a cup of coffee or some lunch, and spend a few minutes of “progressive downtime” with one of my books.

The thing is, sometimes I forget to bring the book. Or I leave it in the car. My IPhone, on the other hand, is always with me. I don’t have to worry about forgetting it, and if it’s loaded up with books, well, you see how convenient that is.

My initial resistance was to reading on the tiny screen, and also, I like to highlight, make notes, and dog-ear pages. Well, I do spend a lot of time turning pages, and the small screen is still my least favorite part of reading on my IPhone. But both the Kindle and IBook apps give you the ability to bookmark, highlight, and even add notes. Because they have linked Tables of Contents, you can easily go back and re-read a chapter.

But wait! There’s more! I got turned onto an app called OverDrive by @RadiantStream. Turns out, with this app, you can borrow e-books from your local library, and download them onto your Phone. Cool, hey?

Yep, this new development has blown my world wide open. I doubt that I’ll be getting rid of my 21 boxes of books anytime soon, but maybe the next time  I move, there will still be 21 instead of 22.

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