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Do You Need Professional Help?

A loaded question, hey? 😉

I may be biased putting up a post like this. After all, I do make a living as an arts publicist. But I really liked this blog post that was sent to me this week by my old friend and former boss, Judi Piggott.

The authour, Ciara Pressler, has written a really comprehensive post called Marketing Your Project: Can You Do It Yourself or Do You Need Professional Help? about all the things you need to think about when you are marketing your art work–probably lots of things that you never even started to think about.

To DIY or not to DIY?  When you’re producing a show, event, or special project on a budget, it’s important to look at every line item and make sure the allotment is realistic for the goals of your production.  Every artist’s instinct is to do as much as possible themselves to keep costs down and the vision streamlined, but taking on duties that are unfamiliar can often hurt the project’s success, from lack of expertise to draining valuable time and resources.

Many new producers (and playwrights and authors and artists…) are unclear when it comes to marketing and publicity – what needs to be done, when, and how much it should cost.

Read the rest of the article here.


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