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Kevin Knebl Comes to Vancouver: LinkedIn

I met Kevin Knebl through my dear friend Trilby Jeeves, and, while recognized as the go-to guy for LinkedIn, he kindly agreed to be interviewed for my blog. The post was called Making the Most of LinkedIn.

He claims he has a "face for radio."

Since then, Kevin has published a book (The Social Media Sales Revolution), and I’m excited to report he’s coming to Vancouver! This means, a. I get to attend this meetup (and you should too), and b. I get to meet yet another Tweep IRL, and nothing makes me happier.

I  have to say, just between you and me, that not only does Kevin really know what he’s talking about when it comes to relationship marketing and LinkedIn, but he may be one of the most generous and giving people I’ve ever met.

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Digital Marketing Bootcamp for Arts Marketers

Another email hit my inbox this week about a workshop, and this one is further afield, but if you are in NYC, or can make the trip there, it sounds totally cool.

From the blurbage:

Digital Marketing Boot Camp for Arts Marketers is a two-day conference to teach and explore digital marketing tools, tips, and best practices.
Our goal is to equip your organization with the digital marketing expertise and strategies to sell tickets and raise money online.  You will learn from some of the smartest experts in the field today.
Conference topics include: web analytics, digital advertising, social media, organizational structure for digital marketing success, email strategy, online fundraising, and writing for the web.
The workshop runs October 20 and 21 in NYC.
I’ll be taking a break next week. See you on August 22.


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