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My Favorite Marketing Podcasts

I do love a good podcast. You see, I have this thing about multi-tasking. For better or for worse, I feel like I’m slacking unless I’m pretty much doing at least two things at once. I should maybe talk to my therapist about that…

I do like to have something to listen to if I have a longish drive to make, or I’m out on foot running errands. Music is great, of course, but if I can be learning something while I’m doing my banking, then all the better. So I subscribe to several marketing podcasts which I listen to via the iPod app on my iPhone (which, conveniently, is always with me).

Here are three of my favorites:

The Age of Persuasion: This show, which airs on the CBC and is hosted by Terry O’Reilley explores the countless ways marketers permeate your life, from media, art, and language, to politics, religion, and fashion.

Freakonomics: This podcast, which is hosted by Steven Dubner and Steven Levitt, who are the authors of Freakonomics and SuperFreakonomics, is not as much about Marketing as it is about Economics, but it’s fascinating and thought-provoking.

Six Pixels of Separation: Another author-turned-podcaster, Joel Mitchell, interviews movers-and-shakers in the world of marketing and social media.

What are your favorite podcasts, marketing or otherwise? I’m always looking for new ones to subscribe to.

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