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New to Pinterest: Biz Accounts & Private Boards

Last week, Pinterest announced that it will now have business accounts for Pinterest. Now, lots and lots of people have been using Pinterest for their businesses already for a while. Like Twitter, they just create a second account in their business’ name. But now, you’ll be able to convert your account to a proper business account.

What are the advantages? Well, it’s sketchy at this moment. Other than being able to place a widget of code on your website so that your Pinterest account can be verified (kind of like how Twitter does with celebrities), it’s not entirely clear what the advantages are. They offer the same stuff: a pin-it button for your website, a “follow us on Pinterest” button, but other than that… it seems like the good stuff is coming eventually. Here’s what Pinterest has to say about it all.

The process of converting your account from a personal to a biz is pretty simple. Point your browser here and follow the steps. This video shows you how.

Pinterest has also announced secret boards, just in time for the holidays. I know I personally will be setting one up to which I will pin my son’s Christmas list. I’ll then be able to share it with his grandparents and relatives. This could also be really useful for things like new baby photos that you don’t want the entire world to see. Check it out.



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