A couple months back, I was trying to decide what I should pitch to the Northern Voice organizing committee for a workshop this year. I’ve been a presenter at NV since 2010 (note the orange “Bloggable” shirt from that year), and it’s always fun to try to come up with new ideas that will appeal to our local, grass-roots, blogging community.
I was in the middle of teaching a module on analytics, so I sent an email to Kazia (who is super smart about analytics) and asked her if we should pitch that as our workshop.
We did, and were accepted, and yesterday, we presented!
I love presenting at NV. It’s such a warm, home-town crowd, and I always love hanging out with the local Tweeps.
Here’s our presentation:
There’s one thing I mentioned in my portion of the talk, and that’s how to make sure your twitter handle shows up in tweets, if someone is using the Hootlet for Hootsuite.
Here’s how to do it:
- In your WordPress dashboard, go to Settings –> General.
- In the very first box, change the description to include your twitter handle, including the @ symbol.
- Now, whenever anyone uses the Hootlet to tweet a blog post from your site, your Twitter handle will be automatically included in the tweet.
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