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My New Fave WP Plugin: Click to Tweet

Here’s my social media philosophy: make it stupid easy.

By that I mean, if you want people to do something for you, you have to make it as easy as possible for them to make it happen. Remove the barriers. For example, if you want people to send you an email, make it really easy for them to do that–don’t use a contact form, use a clickable link. If you want people to comment, ask them to comment, and don’t make them go through some big signup procedure to do so. If you want them to “Like” your Facebook page, install a Facebook “Like” box in the sidebar of your blog so they can like your page without leaving your site.

Enough examples already!

There’s a new WordPress plugin I’m loving, because it makes it really easy for you to produce pithy pull-quotes that your audience can tweet from their account.

Here’s how (this ONLY works on self-hosted WP blogs):

This is what it looks like in the body of your blog post:

And this is what it looks like when it’s tweeted:

Cool, right?

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