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Vine Introduces Vanity URLS: web profiles coming

Vine, that six-second, endlessly-looping video service owned by Twitter, has just launched vanity URLs for your account. You can now grab your user name. Your new Vine URL will be This means, of course, that web profiles are in the works… finally.

I jumped on Vine when it was first launched, but honestly, I wasn’t impressed. My feeling was, that Twitter was feeling pressure from other short video social networks like Keek, and now Instagram, and they pushed the product out the door before it was really ready. They’ve made some great improvements over the last year, and this is one of them.

If you want to find me on Vine, I’m at And you can claim your own vanity URL here.

In the mean time, I’ll leave you with this infographic that compares Vine to its biggest competitor: Instagram. Which is your favourite?

Infographic courtesy of

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