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New Series: Writers on Writing

I‘m a big fan of writing a series of blog posts. I love it because it makes my life easier: I know that every friday for a certain amount of time, I have to write a blog post in a series. You probably like it for the same reasons: you know what to expect from me every friday.

I just finished two series, one on Monetizing Your Blog, and a second on Building Your Personal Brand.

Ethan R via Compfight

As you know, I’m a writer. I love writing. I wrote my first short story when I was 9, and that medium carried me through a couple of degrees and lead to a few publications and awards along the way. But then, in university, I discovered the theatre, and began a long love affair with that artistic genre. But then, a few years back, I went through another huge transition in my life: I started my own business, and at the same time, I became a single parent. I wasn’t able to do theatre any more, because I couldn’t leave my child several nights a week to go to rehearsal. I turned back to writing as my current form of creative expression.

Since then, I’ve written three books, and mere 900 or so blog posts.

But lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about two things: process and success. I know what my process looks like as a writer, but what is it like for other writers? I’d really like to explore that. Secondly, what is success? What does it look like? Is it a paycheque? Is it just showing up on the page and creating something, no matter what kind of quality it is? I don’t know. I’d like to explore these things, and in do so, I’d like to explore them with other writers.

So, my next series is going to be dedicated to interviewing writers.

Here’s what I need from you:

Please leave your answers in the comments section below, or tweet them at me.


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