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How to Use Twitter to Enhance Your Presentations

A couple weeks back, I did an interview with Carla Rieger for my #BuildYrBrand series. Carla is a pro speaker and a speaker coach, and she talked to us about how to get out on the speaking circuit.

Well, then she turned the tables and asked if she could interview me about how speakers can use Twitter to enhance their careers and presentations.

Here are some of the tips I gave:

  • As a speaker you should have a twitter account. Make sure you identify yourself as such in your bio, but also put things in there that are fun, personal. People connect with humans.
  • Next, follow other speakers. See if you can find lists, and follow those people.
  • Make sure you are tweeting every day. You can use a tool like Hootsuite to schedule out a few tweets a day, sharing information and articles from your area of expertise, also inspirational quotes.
  • When you’re giving a presentation, make sure you have a hashtag that people can follow along with, and make sure the audience knows your twitter handle and follows you before the session begins.
  • You can run something like Twitterfall or Monitter on the projector if you like.
  • Pre-schedule tweets that enforce your key points your presentation for added bonuses.
  • Follow back the people that followed you during your presentation, and connect with them and thank them via twitter after.

You can see the whole interview here:



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