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You need this. And it’s free! Double-bonus!!

I only just recently discovered Skitch, while listening to the most recent Social Media Examiner podcast (which, this time, was featuring my buddy Steve Dotto).

Skitch is a screen capture tool that works together with Evernote, and boy, has it made my life easier.

Made this in 2 minutes with Skitch.

For this blog, I do a lot of screencaptures. Friday’s post is a great example. There were easily 5 screencaptures in that post. If I want to point something out on the screen capture, say, a specific point, I need to do SHIFT+COMMAND+3 on my Mac to create crosshairs and then outline the part I specifically want to capture. It then saves it to my desktop. Now, that’s great if that’s all I need to do. But if I want to write something on the screen capture, or if I want to point something out, and highlight something, I have to import the image into Photoshop or Picmonkey in order to do so.

Skitch does all this for you, from screencapture to annotation.

It works, not just for your desktop or laptop, but also on your mobile device. It will save your images either to Evernote (so you can access them later), or to your desktop if you are at home.

It’s really great–download it here.

Here’s Steve with more info about how to use it.




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