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How to Market a Business on Facebook [Infographic]

Say what you will about Facebook, it is still far and away #1, when it comes to social networking. As you can see, Facebook is my #1 source of traffic to the blog, after organic search.

So. It’s important to have a Facebook page. But many people get discouraged and give it up, because they don’t see the results right away. Facebook is a long game, and it’s a game you may need to invest in–time at the very least–and also money.

Today’s infographic has some great tips for you. What are some sure-fire ways to market a business on Facebook?

1. Consistency. Many folks are wildly inconsistent about posting to their pages. They’ll post three times in one day, then not for a week. You need to be consistent with your posts–ideally a minimum of one per day.

2. Source really great content–and don’t make it all about you. One trap a lot of businesses fall into is just talking about themselves all the time. You really should only be talking about your business 20% of the time–the rest should be posts related to your business, that add value. These include links, videos, infographics…

3. Contests. Contests are great for building up your page likes, and also great for creating engagement on the page. One of the #1 reasons people “like” a Facebook page is if they know they are going to be offered free stuff–often in the form of giveaways and contests.

4. Pay to play. It really is worth it to boost a post every now and again. Even $5 can make a big difference.

5. Keep the conversation going. Make sure you check into your page regularly, and reply to questions and comments. At the very least, “like” comments that people leave on your page. This shows that you are available and engaged.

6. Drive traffic to your page from the outside. Make sure you install a Facebook Like Box on your website to help drive Likes to your page.

How to Market a Business on Facebook – An infographic by the team at Wyzowl



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