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How To Install a “Donate Now” Button on Your Facebook Page

Facebook doesn’t always do things that make our lives easier, but recently, they made a change to their new CTA Buttons that is going to be awesome for non-profits and charities that rely upon donations to survive.

In the past, installing a donate app on your FB page was doable. It was somewhat complicated, but you could make it happen. In more recent years, since I made this video, installing any kind of third party app has simply become more complicated on Facebook. And that’s because Facebook doesn’t like third party apps, and they are purposely making it harder for regular folks (ie people that don’t write code, like us) to install them.

However, a few months back, Facebook introduced Call to Action Buttons. Very cool. More recently, they have adapted the CTA button to include an option to donate (technically, this feature has been around for a while, but it was only available to big NFPs).

How To Install a “Donate Now” Button on Your Facebook Page:

  1. Login to your Facebook Page
  2. Look on your Cover image, just above your “Like” button. If you have already created a CTA, you’ll see it there. If you haven’t, you’ll see “Create Call to Action.” Hit this button. If you already have a CTA, choose “edit call to action” from the dropdown menu. If you have no call to action, just click the button.






3. From the dropdown menu, choose “Donate Now”

4. Input the link where people can donate (we use Canada Helps)

5. Hit “save changes”


That’s it!

Please note: I looked at a bunch of different FB pages for this, and the only one that supported the “donate now” button was the one that identified as a Not-for-Profit. So make sure that your settings are right before you begin. You can change this by going to Settings–>Page Info and choosing “not for profit.”

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