How will you celebrate March 27?

March 27 you say? Saturday? What’s the big deal about March 27?

World Theatre Day!!

First a bit of background. As you know,  I am a theatre publicist, and for the past two years, I have done publicity for our local GVPTA WTD celebrations. I have also been blogging for a little over a year. Last year, while we were planning our WTD celebrations, I started thinking “what if we made WTD a truly international celebration? What if there was a place on the internet where people could share their WTD stories, and also get information about WTD, its mandate, and ideas about how to celebrate it in their own communities?”

So, I put the word out through Twitter, and in short order, we assembled an amazing, skilled team of facilitators from all over the world. Some of whom, while they were theatre artists, had never heard of World Theatre Day.

We got the blessing of the ITI, and the World Theatre Day Blog was the result. If you page back, or look at our Tumblog, you’ll see all the amazing and awesome ways that theatre artists from all over the world celebrated March 27, 2009.

My "Standing on Books" meme from last year's WTD

This year, we need your help to make WTD 2010 an even greater success!

Here are some things you can do to celebrate World Theatre Day in your community:

  • Go to a play, and take a friend.
  • Organize a play reading in your community
  • Write, videotape, or record why you love theatre, and email it to [email protected]
  • Read the World Theatre Day International Address (this year’s has not been published yet, but you can believe the second it is, it’ll be on both blogs!)  prior to curtain at your theatre, or include it as a handout in your theatre’s program. Ask a local favorite actor or dignitary to read it. If you can, record this reading by photos, video or audio, and email it (or the link, if you are uploading it to Flickr, or YouTube) to [email protected]. It will automatically post to the Tumblog.
  • If you have a blog, write a post about what you are doing to celebrate World Theatre Day in your area, then email the URL to [email protected]. We will cross-post your entry on the WTD blog.
  • If you don’t have a blog, please email your story directly to us, and we will post it on the blog.
  • Offer backstage tours of your theatre to the local community
  • Offer open rehearsals to your community
  • Offer discounted or free tickets.
  • Offer open readings to your community.
  • Share photos of your production and photos of your cast and crew with your audience to the World Theatre Day media hub.
  • Distribute theatre-related books, scripts etc. around your part of the world for example, Book Crossings (, ‘release your books’ in a public place – theatre foyers; coffee shops; park benches etc. Put a sticker on the front saying something like, ‘I’m free. Please give me a home. Happy World Theatre Day!’
  • Work up a flash mob. Gather people together in a particular place at a particular time to ‘do’ something theatre-related e.g., everyone gathered reads a sonnet in a supermarket or just freezes at a particular time reading an obviously theatre-related book, then moves on after 1 minute’s freeze. Guaranteed to attract attention! Hurry! the GVPTA’s deadline for Flashmob submissions is this Friday, January 29. Email your submission to [email protected]. For more information, click here.

One new thing we are going to try to facilitate this year is to make connections, via technology, between theatres in different cities, or even countries. If you are planning on having a WTD celebration party, let us know, and we will try to hook you up, via Skype or some other means, with another city who is doing the same thing.

For more information and suggestions, as well as a media release template, download the Getting Started Toolkit.

After all, World Theatre Day is about us celebrating how amazing the work that we do every day is!

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 4

  1. Brilliant concept, Rebecca! I expect you’ll be going global at any moment!

    Did you know that Anand Mani’s sister published the “Working Actor’s Guide to LA” for years. I think she lives in Van now – sounds like a good interview, if not a contributor. I’m just sayin’

    All the best,

  2. 27 march 2010
    Balrang Bhilai
    The Contemporary play
    BAL-ADALAT( children’s court) at 6 PM in Nehru House Of culture Sec. 1 Bhilai India
    It is a true story based on a child who is just like a puppet on the hands of her parents, teachers and many more! The child is roaming here and there to find her innocent childhood which is merely pressured under her weighty school bag, unwanted orders rules and regulations and desires of her parents. There is no way to find her joyful childhood until she dreams.
    So, friends, keenly observe this child play ‘BAL-ADALAT’ and let’s try to share the child’s emotions together…
    Name Cast Name cast
    Anshika wasnik Miss Pari Abhishek jhariya Milkman
    Khyati sahu Judge Ameya khilwadkar Rikshawala
    Aditi wasnik Lawyer Master Soud Education minister
    Abhijeet Roy Munshi Pranita Sahu Khilonewali
    Sonali Roy Mother Nikita banjara TV set
    Rakesh sahu Father Ashutosh Tom
    Pallavi Gawande Teacher LA Archita Jerry
    Saurabh Baghel, Neetesh sahu
    Giant, Buffalow Aanchal gawande, Deepras, Aman, Aditi sahu, Ashwini jhariya Children
    Writer – Anita Upadhyay, director – Vibhash Upadhyay
    Back stage support — Sigma –Trijya – Paridhi Upadhyay, Pranita, Sonali, Pallavi, Rakesh sahu, Aditi wasnik & all
    Parent supports – Shri B L Vasnik, Shri B Sahu, Shri yashvant sahu

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