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New Website, New Courses!

Well, things are sure exciting around here at the World Headquarters of Rebecca Coleman, Marketing and Media Relations. Not only did we get a cappuccino machine, but there is lots of other cool stuff brewing.

You’ve seen the website. It’s awesome.

I just finished a minor update of the book, and it is now for sale, for the paltry sum of $9.99, from for your Kindle, or other mobile device. It will soon be available in the IBookstore. Yep, we’re keeping up with technology.

I am going to be teaching not one, but two social media courses in the new year. I’ll reprise Finding Your Social Medium at Emily Carr on Monday nights from Feb 14 to Apr 4. Then, on Tuesdays between January 11 and March 29, you’ll find me at BCIT teaching a brand new course called Social Media for Small Business.

Loved Rebecca’s Social Media Course at Emily Carr! It filled in all the pieces that were missing from my puzzle. She’s very good at speaking and she really knows her stuff. I highly recommend her course and book to bring you up to speed in the realm of Social Media. I really enjoyed being in a class with other people who were seeking the same info as me, and it helped build that sense of community in that we are not delving into the new unknown area all alone.

–Tina Winterlink:

You have taken my struggling efforts and helped shape them into a workable process with definable objectives and measureable outcomes that I have no doubt will move my art practice forward.

–Bernadine Fox:

Vanilla lattes, two teaching gigs and a virtual e-book. Does it get any better than this?


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