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In July, I put up this post: Three Twitter Analytics Tools. At that moment, I had just been using this new Twitter analytics tool called Crowdbooster for a couple of days. I’ve had the chance to really put it through its paces over the last six weeks, and I pretty much think it might be the greatest thing since sliced bread. And here’s the good news: on August 31, Crowdbooster moved from private Beta to public Beta, which means you can (and should) get in on the action.

Almost since the invention of Twitter five years ago, have we been looking for ways to prove Twitter’s ROI. What is any one given person’s Twitter reach? Who are the people that RT you the most? Who are the people on Twitter that are influential who are following you (and whose relationship you should be cultivating)? What are the best times of day to tweet?

All good questions, right? Well, Crowdbooster has the answers.

If you are at all interested in learning about how to Tweet better, leaner, faster, harder, get yourself a Crowdbooster account.

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