How Users Interact on Pinterest (Infographic)

I found this spanking little infographic the other day on Wishpond, and had to share it with you.

There’s lots of good info in here, but for me, the most exciting stuff is:

Pinterest’s demographics: primarily women, and primarily women with children. We know that women have the spending power within the household, and speaking as a mom, I know how much we spend on those kids!

Pinners primarily spend time pinning, and the majority of what they’re doing is re-pinning. So, as a business on Pinterest, you should absolutely be pinning your own stuff, because there’s a better chance someone will re-pin it than find it and pin it in an organic manner.

Food is the #1 category. This gets me personally excited, because I have  food blog. Pinterest has become my #4 source of traffic, after organic search, Facebook, and Twitter.

Pinterest users are more likely to buy something they see on Pinterest than something they see on Facebook. They will more likely “like” a Facebook page after they are acquainted with the brand, whereas Pinterest appears to be a great way to introduce people to a brand.

Original source.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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