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The Art of Marketing–Sept 17

Last year, I had the opportunity to attend a conference called The Art of Marketing. This was unlike most of the smaller, grass-roots conferences I attend, as the docket consisted of 5 social media superstars: David Usher, Mitch Joel, Randi Zuckerberg, Biz Stone, and Scott Stratton.

Now, unless you live and breathe social media like I do, you may have no idea who these people are, but I was so stoked. It was an amazing, inspiring day, and I even got to meet fellow Canuck, Scott Stratton (with whom I’d had many convos on Twitter) IRL. You can read about my experience at the conference here.

I’m happy to announce that The Art of Marketing is coming back to Vancouver this fall, on September 17, at the Convention Centre.

Here’s the lineup:

I love the things that Ariana Huffington has to say about how we, as women, need to redefine “success.” Check out some of her thoughts here.

Join me at The Art of Marketing on September 17! If you use the promo code TWITTERFAN, you’ll get $50 off each ticket. If you get a group of 3 or more together, you’ll  get an additional $50 off each ticket.

Hope to see you there!


Direct link to the Vancouver event

Twitter: @thartof

Hashtag: #TheArtOf




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