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Review: Blackberry Z10

My contract with my current cel phone provider is up in November. For the past three years, the iPhone 4 has been my constant companion, and I gotta say, I love it.

But it’s getting old and slow, and in the next couple of months, I’m going to upgrade to something new. Chances are high it’ll be the iPhone 5s, but… a lot of my friends are going to android, so I want to see what all the fuss is about, and take some phones for a test-drive before I commit. The focus of these tests will be how the phone performs doing social networking. I barely use my phone to actually make phone calls. Its primary use is social networking and texting.

I recently got my hands on a Blackberry Z10. Now, my first smartphone was a Blackberry, and I want to support them, because they are a Canadian company. One thing they’ve recently done is pared back their offerings. There’s this version, the Z10, which has a virtual keyboard, and then there’s the Q10, which has a physical keyboard.

When I bought my first smartphone, a Blackberry, all those years ago, it was because of the physical keyboard, but now I’m quite used to the virtual one, so that isn’t such a selling point for me anymore.

Here are the things I loved about the Blackberry Z10:


The downsides:

Other than that, I really loved this phone! I think it would absolutely recommend it if you are someone who does a lot of social networking. I’m not the only one–check out this review over at Vancouver Gadgets.

Big thanks to the nice people at Blackberry who let me test-drive this sexy beast!

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