I Love You, Instagram

For this week’s Wednesday Infographic, I’m focussing on Instagram. Over the past year, Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest have gained, between them, 10 Million fans. There’s a reason for that–we’re obsessed with images. Images are just easier: no tricky reading, plus a picture says a thousand words, right?


I love Instagram for many reasons. I follow some really amazing folks (click here and here to see the top people you should follow on Instagram in Vancouver) that take beautiful photos. I also love the community of Instagram. There’s a lot of love there, with less of the commercialism of Facebook, and less of the “barfing random thoughts out of my brain” of Twitter.

Here are my top tips for you if you are on Instagram: 

  • Post regularly, like once a day if you can.
  • Don’t bleed the feed: don’t post 5 pictures in a row of the same thing. When I go to a dinner, for example, I’ll take photos of each course on my regular phone’s camera, and then create a collage of the photos using Diptic or Picframe afterwards and upload that to Instagram.
  • Don’t overload Hashtags: yes, hashtags are a great way to get you new followers, or to connect with people who love #CatsOfInstagram, but an entire paragraph of hashtags that takes up more space than the photo?? Tacky. Aim for 3-5 hashtags, max. And don’t “fake” your hashtags–don’t use hashtags that are popular just to get views if that thing is not in your photo. It’s cheating.

Now, go take some pretty pictures! Oh–and follow me: instagram.com/rebeccacoleman.

Infographic courtesy of http://www.whoishostingthis.com

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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