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New E-Mail Spam Regulations: What You Need to Know

Having an e-news list and sending out e-newsletters has always been an important part of most business’ social media marketing plans. But in this era of Facebook restricting views (unless you pay), e-newsletters are more important than ever. People are literally inviting you into their inbox–you have a direct connection to them. Use it!

Canada already has probably the world’s strictest anti-spam laws. But they are about to get even tighter as of July 1, 2014. CASL (Canada Anti-Spam Law) goes into effect that day.

David Hegarty via Compfight

Who is effected: pretty much everyone. Even if you live in the United States or another country, if you send emails using an e-newsletter program to Canada, your emails that go to Canada must be in accordance with the rules.

Timeline: although the  law comes into effect July 1, 2014, you have 3 years to come into compliance.

Who needs to be concerned: anyone who hasn’t built their list through express consent. That means you have that person’s (written, or they have gotten on to your email list through a double opt-in procedure) consent to be on your email list.

Things that are NOT express consent:

Here are some ways to get those email addresses in an express consent way:

A recent contest I ran for one of my clients on their FB page. You need to use a third-party app like ShortStack or WooBox to create these.
My Facebook Biz page: you can install a signup box right on your FB page.

Implications for Charities: the rules are less stringent for charities, because the Government is aware of how deeply charities depend up on email to solicit donations.

All-in-all, at the end of the day, the rules and regulations are certainly more stringent. However, it’s a good thing. No one likes spam. Except the Hawaiians. They love that stuff!

Further reading:



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