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Your Daily Social Media Checklist [Infographic]

How much time to do estimate you spend on social media per day? And I mean actual working time, not mucking about on Facebook, or taking the latest Buzzfeed quiz. Not that there’s anything wrong with do that, but I’m referring to time you actually spend online doing work: posting or researching or creating or curating content.

I estimate I spend a couple of hours a day. I currently write about 6 blog posts a week, and each one of those posts has a very specific marketing process it goes through once it’s posted. In addition, I post additional (content I have curated, not created) content to many of my social networks as well.

It’s pretty overwhelming. People get this look on their face when I tell them how much time I spend blogging and managing my feeds, but hey–it’s my business, so I consider it time well spent. If it’s not your business, you obviously would scale that back and not feel bad at all about it.

I recently came across this really great checklist/infographic. I gotta be honest–I don’t even do every single thing on this list every single day, so feel free to adapt it to you needs, but it is a very comprehensive list, and for that reason alone, I think, merits sharing.

infographic courtesy of HeroX

What do you think? Brilliant? or crazymaking? I’d love to hear in the comments section below.

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