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#UnderstandingAnaltyics 5: E-Newsletters

They might seem old-school, but e-newsletters are really important marketing tools. You see, people have to sign up for them, so they land in people’s inboxes. That’s a great privilege to have.

Still, even though people sign up for your newsletter, doesn’t mean they’ll actually read it. A bunch of different factors are at work here:

Mailchimp Open Rates

What you need to look for when it comes to analytics:

  1. Overall growth. Is your overall number of subscribers growing? It’s normal to have a couple people unsubscribe every time you sent out a newsletter. But overall, your growth should be upwards, not down.
  2. Open rates: next to overall number of subscribers, open rates are the most important stat to look at. They tell you how many people actually opened and looked at your email. Anything in the 10-30% range is considered to be successful.
  3. Click-throughs. Let’s say you’re trying to sell something through your newsletter, or you’re asking for a donation. You can check and see how many people actually clicked on that link to go through and purchase or donate.
  4. Social shares. Most e-newsletter programs will show you if anyone tweeted your newsletter, or shared it to Facebook.
  5. Demographic information. Where in the world are the people who are opening your email? The answers may surprise you!
Report: Links Clicked

What to do with your E-Newsletter Analytics:

If your overall growth is slow, here are some tips to grow your newsletter list:

If your open rates are low: 

Next week, we’ll have a look at YouTube analytics, and what you can learn from them.

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