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How to Remove Embarrassing Photos from Social Media [Infographic]

It’s probably happened to all of us at some point or another: someone has posted a photo of us to Facebook or Twitter that is, shall we say… less than flattering?

Beyond that,  photos can actually do harm. One of the first rules of social networking is not to post photos especially of children, without permission, as you never know if someone is fleeing an abusive situation at home. Your photos, though could also impact things like work and future work.

If you have, for example, a photo of yourself partying it up with a lampshade on your head, and your boss or a future potential employer see them, they could get a bad impression of you, and not hire you for those reasons.

Of course, the best defence is a good offence. Try to be professional in all your social media dealings, and, in general, just don’t be a jerk–don’t call people names, and play nicely with others in the online space.

If, however, for some reason, something gets out that doesn’t paint you in the most flattering of lights, you do have some options.

The first option, of course, is always to go to the person who posted it, explain the situation, and ask them to take it down. I think most people are reasonable about this kind of thing.

But what if the person was a stranger, or if they are out to do you harm, and you have no way of getting in touch with them or you don’t want to contact them? In that case, I’d try contacting the social network itself–many have specific email addresses specifically for this reason.

And that brings us to today’s Infographic: How to Remove Embarrassing Photos from Social Media

Infographic courtesy of



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