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Top Content Curation Tools

For a couple of years, now, I’ve been practicing content curation in addition to creating content. I create content here on my blog (and my other blogs, too), and Instagram is another place where I create (visual) content.

I practice content curation to “fill in the holes,” so to speak, on platforms like Twitter, and Facebook. Those ones move pretty quickly, and there’s no way I could come up with enough content to keep them happy simply with content that I’ve created. On top of that, who’d want to read only my content all the time? That’s boring, and it’s not playing nice.

I explain a bit more about content creation versus content curation here, but today, I want to share with you my top content curation tools.

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Hootsuite’s Syndicator: this is my #1 tool, and I literally use it every single day. Simply put, I use it to subscribe to RSS feeds of blogs I trust–Mashable, Social Media Examiner, etc.., then every day, I check through the newest updates from these, and autoschedule them to tweet right from the syndicator. I have mine set up to tweet between 5-7 times a day. If I find a ton of great content, and fill up all of today’s tweets, the autoscheduler just starts pushing them to the next day. It’s awesome. Learn more about Hootsuite’s Syndicator here.

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Buffer: Buffer is another app that allows you to schedule tweets, and it gives you the option to aut0schedule them, or you can choose specific times a day that you want them to go out. The other thing that’s awesome about Buffer is that, if you give it ideas as to what subjects you are interested in, it will pull some great content for you. You can then schedule that content to go out to Twitter via Buffer.

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Swayy: I love this app! Again,  you tell it what subjects you are interested in, and it will source content for you, and then you can share and schedule them out to Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn from there.

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IFTTT: I am, in general, against automation. That means, I don’t like to automatically post from Instagram to Facebook and Twitter, as a rule. “One size fits all” doesn’t work very well on social media. “If This, Then That” allows you to create recipes for sharing your content based on contingencies. You can for example, tell it to RT to twitter certain keywords. Cool, right?

BundlePost: This one will cost you a few bucks, but it also offers RSS curation, and allows you to schedule up tweets in bulk and have them go out during the day.

Those are my faves–I use many of these on a daily basis. Hope I introduced you to something new–you’ll be well on your way to being a social media rock star.

What’s your favourite content curation tool? Please share in the comments below.

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