How to Create a YouTube Channel Trailer Video

2016 is the year of video. For most people, this year, though, that has looked like live videos: Periscope, Blab, Facebook Live, or maybe even Snapchat or Instagram.

How to Create a YouTube Channel Trailer Video

But let’s not forget about good, old-fashioned YouTube, which gets, on average, 3-4 Billion hits per day. It still pays to have your content here.

If you have a YouTube channel, a great thing to have on your YouTube Channel is an introduction video. Just about a minute long, this gives new visitors to your channel and idea about what your channel is about, and also introduces them to you and your personality. The idea is to get them hooked and subscribed.

How to Create a YouTube Channel Trailer Video

This post isn’t about how to create that video–I’ll let you do that on your own. Here are some tips to help you create a good one.

But once you have created your video, how to put it into action?
1. Log in to your YouTube channel.

2. If you haven’t already, enable channel customization.

Create a YouTube Channel Trailer Video

3. Upload your trailer video to the channel.

Create a YouTube Channel Trailer Video

4. Go back to your channel. On it, you’ll see two tabs, “for returning subscribers” and “for new visitors.” Click on the “for new visitors” tab.

Create a YouTube Channel Trailer Video

5. Click on +Channel Trailer.

6. Choose the channel trailer video you just uploaded, and hit “save.”

You now have a live YouTube Channel trailer. Now, when new visitors come to your page, the first thing they will see is your Intro video. When returning visitors come back, they’ll see your most recent video.

Ta da!

Here’s mine:

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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