Vancouver’s Top Foodie Instagrammers

I love #FoodPorn. My Instagram feed is nothing but sexy food photos, and images of places I want to travel. Instagram is my “vacation” social media–it’s the place I go when I want to escape.

You may or may not be aware that we have some pretty amazing Food Instagrammers living right here in Vancouver. You may not be aware that these folks are Vancouverites, as for some of them, their work has taken them to an international level.

There are already a few of these types of lists out there, but I noticed one hasn’t been done in a while, so I thought I’d make a list for you of the people I follow and love the most when it comes to quality #FoodPorn here in Vancouver.

vancouvers top foodie instagrammers

The Food Gays: you know when you have those friends that are super awesome, and they then really begin to take off and become successful and you’re super happy for them? That’s Jeremy and Adrian. These two local guys are going International, expect really big things from them in the near future.

Slice of Pai: dividing her time between Vancouver and Paris, Joann Pai is one of our best food photographers. Her stuff is exquisite.

Leila Likes: someone I’ve long followed and admired, I finally had the chance to meet earlier this year, as she’s Tojo’s photographer, and we were both working with him at the time. The work she does with depth of field is something I admire greatly.

YVR BC Bro: Sean’s photos are fun, bright, and mouth-watering.

Jackie Kai Ellis: the Beaucoup Bakery maven Instagram does not disappoint. She is often in Paris, and, as you’d expect, there’s tons of drool-worthy french pastry, as well as wanderlust-inspiring shots of her time in Paris. On my bucket list: one of her Paris tours.

Erin Ireland: the vegan owner of the It’s to Die For empire, and soon-to-be-mom posts the most gorgeous photos. They’re usually on white backgrounds, which allows the simple beauty of the food to pop. As a bonus, follow her on Snapchat to see her recipes.

Pork Ninjas: these guys eat their way around the city, and then share it with us via Instagram!

Sherman’s Food Adventures: another feed that will make you hungry for all of Vancouver’s wonderful restaurants.

Follow Me Foodie: of course no “best of” list is complete without Mijune Pak, who is at the very top of the food game here in our fair YVR and around the world.

GoodLifeVan: Follow Cassandra and her fiance, Chef Michael Smith, on their food adventures around the city and the Province.

Catherine Roscoe Barr: a SPUD ambassador, Cat documents her many delicious creations via Instagram.

Megan Lee Voigt: a young pastry chef at Hawksworth, her stuff will make you gain weight just by looking at it.

Coco Cake Land: I love Lyndsay’s style! It’s very crisp and her cakes are always creative and mouth-watering.

Okay, in all honesty, I’m just scratching the surface here. There are tons more amazing Instagrammers out there in our fair city. Feel free to share links to the ones you like in the comments below.

To the folks I’ve listed here; thanks for your work. And also, thank you for the inspiration. You inspire me to become a better photographer every day, and learning from you is always an honor. If you want to see my version of #FoodPorn, follow me on Instagram @rebeccacoleman.



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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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