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How Often to Post to Your Social Media? #Infographic

It’s a matter of balance.

If you post too often to your social media, you risk burning out your followers, and having them unfollow you. But if you don’t post often enough, you look lazy or uninformed.

Truthfully, if you are posting valuable content, you’re always going to to do well, no matter how often you post, but the idea is to also be consistent with your posts, so that your followers know that they can count on you.

So, when it comes to posting on your social media, what are the ideal amounts that you should be posting on a daily basis?

For Facebook, I recommend once per day. If you post more than once per day, make sure you space them out over the course of the day, and don’t, for the love of Pete, make all three posts about your business. Nobody needs to know that much info about you.

For Twitter, I recommend a minimum of 3 tweets per day. It’s not super complicated to do if you use a scheduling program like Hootsuite or Buffer. I personally do about 10-15 per day, but I have a relatively large following.

LinkedIn can also be done without too much difficulty. I use Hootsuite to publish my posts to LinkedIn as well. I can easily find good content on the blogs I read and schedule up a few posts a week to my LinkedIn.

Pinterest becomes a bit more tricky, unless you’re using a special program like Tailwind to schedule your pins. I don’t use one of those, so any pinning I do needs to be live and in the moment. It’s never a problem to find content–you just need to book a few minutes each day to do it. It’s amazing how it will grow your following by being active on the platform.

Instagram can also be tricky. This is because in order for you to maximize your likes on Instagram, you need to be publishing good quality content. You can’t just grab something and post it. You need to take time, get good photographs and display them beautifully. I try to post to my Instagram 6/7 days of the week. If I’m traveling, I may post more than once a day, but mostly I stick to the daily post schedule.

And now here’s today’s Infographic: How Often to Post to Your Social Media:

Learn more at

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