2 Apps to Take Your Instagram Hashtags to the Next Level

I’ve been using the new account switching feature in Instagram for about a week now, and I have to say, it’s been a lifesaver.

This past weekend, I ran the social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) for a big health and wellness tradeshow here in Vancouver. The timing couldn’t have been better, as I seamlessly flipped back and forth between my account and the show’s account. It works really well, and I’m so happy to have it, so thanks, Instagram!

Apps to Take Your Instagram Hashtags to the Next Level

It will come as no surprise to you when I say that success on Instagram is basically dependent upon two factors:

  1. really great photos
  2. really great hashtags.

I’ve been on Instagram for years, and slowly growing my following. I’m at about 1800 (you can follow me @rebeccacoleman), but I only recently broke the “100 likes on a post” barrier. And I did it with hashtags (and a very pretty photo).

They key to getting lots of likes is, simply put, hashtags. This post on hashtags for foodies is one of the most popular posts on my blog ever, so I know you guys are interested in this topic, as well.

I have recently discovered two new apps that help you to take your Instagram hashtags to the next level: Grama and Hashtap.

grama app for instagram hashtags

Grama. Simply enter a popular hashtag that you’d normally use (I’m using #Foodie), and it suggests related, popular hashtags. You then select the ones you like (Instagram will allow you use up to 30),  and there’s a one-tap “copy” option. You then paste them into your Instagram post, and voila! Instant likes.

hashtap app for instagram hashtags

Hashtap works in a very similar way, except it’s a bit more visual. When you do a search for a hashtag, it will indicate which hashtags are more popular by the size of the bubble. The bigger the bubble, the more popular the hashtag is right now. Again, you can then choose which hashtags fit with your photo, then Hashtap will copy them directly into your Instagram account.

I keep a list of hashtags stored on a note in my phone. These are my basic food ones that I use all the time. But sometimes it’s nice to mix it up and use different hashtags, or sometimes you post a photo that’s different than what you normally post, and it helps to have suggestions of good, applicable hashtags.

Do you have a favourite app for discovering new Instagram hashtags? Share in the comments below!

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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