Pantages to Present Letters of Support to City

In an excellent example of good timing, this email arrived in my inbox this morning. I’m sure help and support would be appreciated if you have the time to go.

Pantages Gives Xmas Present To New City Council

Event: Presentation of Letters of Support for Pantages Theatre
Date: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 Time: 1:15 pm
Location: Vancouver City Hall / Third Floor
The Pantages Theatre Arts Society will present to all members of the new Vancouver City Council, and certain senior City staff, Christmas presents on Tuesday December 09, at 1:15 pm.

The gaily wrapped and decorated Xmas presents consist of one copy each of “The Book of Letters — From the People of Vancouver to the Mayor and Council, In Support of the Pantages Project.”

There are hundreds of letters. The volume is the size of the Manhattan phone book.

Members of the Pantages Board, led by president Peter Fairchild wearing a Santa hat, will distribute these to each member of Council.

“We come bearing gifts,” said Fairchild. “And the greatest gift will be the restoration of hope and beauty, theatre and art and housing, at Hastings and Main. The new Council has an opportunity to get it right. They have a chance to change forever the perception and the reality of our neighbourhood. ‘The Book of Letters’ proves massive public support for this amazing project.

“It’s our Xmas present to Council. We look forward to Council’s present to the City,” Fairchild concluded.

Contact: Peter Fairchild at [email protected]

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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