About six months ago, I wrote a blog post about who was blogging about theatre in Vancouver. I’m happy to say that, since that time, a few new blogs have cropped up, or have been brought to my attention.
Vancouver Theatre Reviewers:
In addition to Vancouver Plays, Review Vancouver, Plank, Do Something Different and Beyond Robson, here are two more:
- Review from the House: Remember Immediate Theatre? Well, Gillian used to review for them. Now, she has her own very pleasant blog which reviews food, theatre, and travel.
- The Writerly Life: You might know Andrea as one of the theatre reviewers for The Westender, but she’s so much more!
New Vancouver Theatre Blogs:
- The Alliance for Arts and Culture: covers arts advocacy.
- The Arts Club Theatre: written by my colleague, Nicole McLuckie, I’m really enjoying this blog. It strikes the right balance of fun and business.
- An Unidentified Production: is the blog of Sabrina Everett, founder of Twenty Something Theatre. She blogs about her experience as a producer.
- Rent In Vancouver: is the blog of Ryan Mooney’s Fighting Chance Productions, chronicling the process of producing RENT.
- Bouffon Droppings: written by my dear friend Trilby Jeeves, bouffon and bouffon coach. About her life as “Madame Rouge” and musings about the artist’s life.
Already established Vancouver theatre bloggers:
- Green Thumb Theatre – Green Thumb is a local company that specializes in theatre for young audiences.
- Lois Backstage – Lois is the stage manager at Pacific Theatre, but she’s working in Kamloops for the summer, and providing us with a new perspective from there.
- Pi Theatre – The blog of Pi Theatre.
- The Next Stage – Simon Ogden is the number one Theatre blogger in Vancouver.
- Soul Food – Ron Reed is the AD at Pacific Theatre, and I think, may be Vancouver’s first Theatre blogger.
- The Theatre Department of UBC – written by that Shameless Hussy, Deb Pickman.
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