Using Your Social Media SuperPowers for Good

As I venture deeper into the world of using social media for non-profits and charities, it’s always interesting to come across organizations that are using Social Media to create positive change in the world. I’ve long said that social media is a powerful tool, and has the ability to create a positive impact.

One such organization is Mission Possible. Homelessness is a big problem in our city. I live near the DTES, and I drive through Main and Hastings almost every day. Mission Possible helps to get people off the street by helping those challenged by homelessness and poverty achieve a renewed sense of dignity and purpose through meaningful work. They have two main businesses, maintenance and recycling, but they have also just recently opened an art gallery as well.

As with many charities, Mission Possible relies upon the goodwill of others to keep going. They actively solicit for donations. However, a growing trend these days is to use social media to fund raise. They have partnered with Broadband TV, and launched a video contest. Youth are encouraged to create 3-minute videos on why they should care about poverty and homelessness. After May 25, when the winning video is posted, all ad revenues will go directly to Mission Possible, so simply by watching a video, you can help to raise funds for the organization.

In addition, Mission Possible is planning a Smart Phone Raiser. On May 25, there will be a tweetup of sorts at The Academic. Young folks are urged to use their phones to talk, text and tweet at their friends, and will compete to see who can raise the most awareness and funds for Mission Possible.

I love that Mission Possible has come up with creative alternatives to raising funds, rather than simply soliciting donations. Are you a part of a non-profit or charity organization? Have you come up with creative ways of raising awareness or funds through social media? I’d love to hear about it in the comments section below.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 2

  1. I heard these people on the radio this morning. I had never heard of such a thing – what a creative and mondern way to raise funds and awareness!

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