New Year, New Marketing: Tips, Tricks & Tasks

Ah, I love the smell of a new year.

It’s exciting that there are twelve months ahead of me that I have not yet managed to screw up in any way.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been pretty sluggish about my marketing these last few months. But January–the shiny new year–is the perfect time to get re-energized and re-enthused to kick it up a notch with your marketing efforts.

Someone's Lost Schedule BookCreative Commons License Alfonso Surroca via Compfight

So! In an attempt to keep me honest, I’m asking you to come along with me on a little marketing journey. I spent a few days at a writing retreat before Christmas, and I’m in the process of editing and launching a new book: The Guide to Getting Started with Social Media for Small Business. But I need your help. Not with the book, or with marketing it. I can do that stuff by myself. But what I do need is a bunch of you to keep me accountable so that I stay on task.

I’d like for us to do this together.

Here’s the plan: go here and sign up for the New Year, New Marketing: Tips, Tricks and Tasks mailing list. Then, every day or second day in January, I’m going to send you a really short email. It might be a video or a collection of some of my favorite blog posts on a certain topic, or a how-to or a tip on a new kind of social media and how you can use it for marketing. I promise I’ll keep them short and sweet, because I  know how busy we all are.

Every day, you’ll get a tip, a trick or a task from me that will help you to get your marketing back on track. Many of these will come from my new book, which will be ready to launch by the end of January.

Sound good?

Let’s go!

New Year, New Marketing: Tips, Tricks & Tasks

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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