Top Posts: 2012

Every year, I like to look back at what I did and put up a post of the top 10 blog posts I wrote last year. This is determined by the amount of hits each post got during the year.

Some overall numbers for you: I wrote my first blog post on September 27, 2008, and have written 565 subsequently, with nearly 100,000 hits.

In 2012, I wrote 117 posts.

 Here are my top 10 posts, from least to most popular:

#10: Creating a Page Using Facebook’s New Timeline. “How to” posts are very popular on my blog, and this one, aimed at taking the pain out of creating your a Facebook page for your business, proved pretty popular.

#9: How to Find RSS Feeds. Frustratingly, RSS feeds have become harder and harder to find recently. This post outlines how to find an RSS feed using all the main browsers.

#8: How to Create a Twitter Cover. Like Facebook, Twitter recently launched a cover image. This shows you how to make one and upload it.

#7: Creating an RSS Feed for Hashtags. A request from a student, this post shows you how to create an RSS feed for a specific hashtag, and stream it through your blog’s sidebar.

#6: More Cutbacks for Arts Coverage in Traditional Media. One of the most controversial posts of the year, this one landed me in some hot water. When I got an email from Courier theatre critic Jo Ledingham saying that half her column space had been cut, I leaped to her defense.

#5: Dealing with Negative Feedback. One question I often get asked is, “how do I deal with negativity on social media?” This was my response.

#4: Social Media Case Study: Whole Foods. Whole Foods is one of my favorite brands using social media. They are doing it well, and right.

#3: It might be time to retire. When the Vancouver Playhouse went out of business and shut down, I kinda lost it. This is my favorite thing I wrote last year, and the accompanying video documentary I made I’m pretty proud of, as well.

#2: Infographic: 30 Ways to Promote Your Blog Post. Infographics are popular for a reason!

#1: KONY 2012: A Social Media Case Study. Wow. April. Seems like years ago in social media time. But before Gangdam Style, KONY 2012 was the biggest social media story of the year.

Thanks for reading in 2012!

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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