Digitize Your Post-Its with Evernote

Organization. Productivity. It’s something probably all of us think about and, to some degree, struggle with.

I run my own business, and part of that business includes blogging. I have content calendars and editorial deadlines, and systems in place for recording ideas and inspiration.

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A large chunk of my system is a great app called Evernote. If you’ve not used it, I highly reccomend you download it. One thing I love about it is that it’s cross-platform, so no matter where I am, or how I access it (laptop, iPhone or iPad), it automagically syncs to all the other devices, so I always have the very latest version of whatever I’m working on. I use it specifically to record my blog inspiration ideas, and this is the first place I come to when I sit down to write a new blog post.

You can also download a widget for your browser (or if you’re using Chrome, and extension), which allows you to take snapshots or create notes on websites you want to come back to remember for later.

I also use some old-school methods of organization, including Post-Its. I make notes of things I need to get done that may not be deadline-driven, and are something I will work on in my “spare time.” Once a task is completed, I can easily discard the note.

For those of you who also love your Post-its, Evernote offers you the ability to digitize them so that you can carry them with you wherever you go. They also, after you digitize them, become searchable. Cool, right?

To learn how to do it, check out this cool 60-second video from Grovo.com.




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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 2

  1. That is the way to make things easier! I struggle with keeping notes in one place that I later do not remember where I put them.
    I use evernote and have A LOT of notes, I was wondering how to digitalize the ones I have on my note pads but I hadn’t looked into it.
    This is a great tip! Thanks Rebecca!

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