The Psychology Behind Sharing, Plus a Fun Quiz!

I, like many other social media marketers these days, spend a fair bit of time bemoaning the state of Facebook these days. I had a conversation on Twitter yesterday with a few people about this, and the conversation ended with this tweet:

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The more “shareable” our content is, the better it is.

So, why do people share?? If they find the information incredibly useful. If the thing they are sharing moves them in some way: makes them feel happy (makes them laugh), sad, or outraged. In a recent study (check the infographic below), 94% of respondents said that they shared content that fit into the categories of “value and entertainment.” Another reason people share information is because they want to be perceived a certain way: for example, if they share information about a new worthy cause they just discovered, it is a reflection on them and their values.

What kind of a sharer are you? Take this fun quiz and find out! Then check out the infographic below, that discusses the different kinds of sharers and which networks you’ll find them on.

You’ll be shocked to know I’m a Career Sharer! 😉


Today’s Infographic: The Psychology of Sharing, and 6 different types of sharers:

statpro psychology social network business sharing infographic


Infographic courtesy of


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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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