Your Daily Social Media Checklist [Infographic]

How much time to do estimate you spend on social media per day? And I mean actual working time, not mucking about on Facebook, or taking the latest Buzzfeed quiz. Not that there’s anything wrong with do that, but I’m referring to time you actually spend online doing work: posting or researching or creating or curating content.

I estimate I spend a couple of hours a day. I currently write about 6 blog posts a week, and each one of those posts has a very specific marketing process it goes through once it’s posted. In addition, I post additional (content I have curated, not created) content to many of my social networks as well.

It’s pretty overwhelming. People get this look on their face when I tell them how much time I spend blogging and managing my feeds, but hey–it’s my business, so I consider it time well spent. If it’s not your business, you obviously would scale that back and not feel bad at all about it.

I recently came across this really great checklist/infographic. I gotta be honest–I don’t even do every single thing on this list every single day, so feel free to adapt it to you needs, but it is a very comprehensive list, and for that reason alone, I think, merits sharing.

infographic courtesy of HeroX

What do you think? Brilliant? or crazymaking? I’d love to hear in the comments section below.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 9

    1. Awww… Jill. Totally normal to feel that way. But it’s incredibly important to invest some time in marketing your artwork every day, so that people know about it, and will hopefully want to buy it! Sales are good! 🙂

  1. Thanks for the fantastic checklist! We were already doing a few of them but I can’t believe I missed some of the ones that are so simple like checking in on Foursquare every morning!

    Thanks a lot!


    1. Reddit is a great sort of underground (although not so underground now!) content aggregator. It’s a great place to source memes or other content for your social media feeds. It can also help you to go viral if you share your content to it.

  2. Is there a way I can print the info graphic out for intimidation, er I mean inspiration? Printing things out, I know, I’m such a dinosaur – but I am married to my bulletin board with a visual display of what I’m currently aspiring to 🙂

    1. I had exactly the same thought! Just do a right-click on the image, and you should be able to download it to your desktop and print it from there. 🙂

  3. Wow, this is helpful but also overwhelming. So much to do! I think these types of checklists should be viewed as guidelines, or suggestions. Each business is different in so many ways: how much time you have, where you customer base “hangs out” online, what the competition is doing. I don’t find FourSquare helpful at all, and Facebook isn’t working for me, either. I’m concentrating on Twitter and hoping to expand from there.

    1. I’m not a huge fan of Facebook (specifically the algorithm), but I still get quite a bit of traffic from it, so I do make an effort there. I’m all done with Foursquare. After they split the app into two, I deleted both. I think Foursquare might be dying.

      And yes, you should absolutely tailor your social media to your audience/demographic.

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