How Often Should You Post to Social Media [Infographic]

I have an awesome infographic to share with you today. I often get asked “best  practices” type questions, like how often should you post to social media?

One of the reactions I’ve noticed with Facebook’s algorithm change is that many businesses are trying to outsmart the algorithm by posting more often. They figure, “if only 10% of FB is seeing my posts at any given time, I’ll post more often in hopes that more people will see my posts.” IMHO, this is adding to the problem, not solving it.

On average, if FB showed us all the posts, there would be in the range of 1,000-2,000 per day. That’s overwhelming, and why FB created the algorithm (my issue with it, is I think FB should allow me to see what I want to see, not choose for me what I get to see). Ideally, I think the sweet spot for posting to FB is around 1-3 times daily. Use the scheduler, and make sure you space them out over the course of the day. Also, only use your best material on FB, the stuff that people will find really valuable. One of the keys to increasing your reach is when your content gets shared, and valuable content gets shared.

When it comes to Twitter, you can be much more heavy-handed. Using Hootsuite, I schedule up, on average, 5 tweets a day that I’ve curated from my feeds. I’ll also add in my own blog posts (new and evergreen), and then have conversations or tweet reactions to things in the moment. All together, I tweet, probably, on average, about 20 times a day. I know that sounds like a lot, but Twitter moves quickly, and content doesn’t stay relevant for very long.

G+ is incredibly important for SEO, so I’d encourage you to post to it at least a few times a week. Same with LinkedIn.

Infographic courtesy of Constant Contact.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 1

  1. I disagree with the above. I think generally people get turned off by too much posting, whether it is quality posting or not.

    The best way to decide is to get a sense of who you are posting to and trust in your intuition as what and when to post.

    Quality needs to refer to your fan base. Is it a quality fan base or a less-committed group? I prefer quality.

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