10 Steps to Getting Your Content Out There [Infographic]

Happy Friday! I have  a great infographic to share with you today, and we’ll get back to our #UnderstaningAnalytics series next week.

Blogging is an incredible way to grow your business, and drive traffic to your website (if you host a blog on it). For me, it’s been a wonderful way for me to market my business.

Still, there’s a trick (or two) to it, and this infographic outlines some good ones!

  1. Create content consistently, and create good content. I know that seems obvious, but if you really want people to come back, or even better, share your content, it needs to be made of awesome. Keep it relatively short, and relatively simple and easy to understand.
  2. Promote your content. After you hit “publish,” your job is just beginning! You need to share that post to as much social media as you can–tweet it, FB it, pin it, the works. I also re-share old (evergreen) content on a regular basis.
  3. Play nice with others. This means commenting on other people’s blogs, doing guest posts, or having people guest post on your blog, or interviewing people. Every time you involve another person on your blog, it gives that post the opportunity to magnify its reach, especially if the person you are working with is also willing to promote your content.
  4. Lead generation: Create an email list to send your posts out to. Being invited into someone’s inbox is a real privilege these days, and it’s worth its weight in gold!


Infographic courtesy of Zentrepreneur

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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