Digital Media Trends in 2015

If there’s one thing, more than any other, that makes my job frustrating, it’s the fact that nothing ever stays the same. Rules in my world change almost on a daily basis. The Facebook algorithm, the Google algorithm, new social networks… all things I need to keep up-to-date on on a daily basis.

So, what are the upcoming and current trends in the world of digital media and social media? That’s where today’s Digital Media Trends in 2015 infographic comes in!

1. This will come as a surprise to no one, but smartphones now rule. For the first time in history, smartphone usage outweighs desktop computer usage. If your website is not mobile-friendly, you need to get on that! Similarly, people are spending more and more time on tablets. There is a serious trend out there called “the second screen,” where people will be engaged in an activity (watching a sporting event, watching TV), and will be interacting with people online during breaks and commercials via their smartphone. It connects us to people who are like us.

2. Facebook is still number one… but for how long? There are lots of social networks that would like to take its place, but it still may be a long time before that happens. Like it or not, as a marketer, Facebook is a place you should most likely be.

3. Wearable tech is a huge trend right, and has been for the last couple of years. Fitbits, smartwatches, the hoopla over the new Apple watch… well,  you get the picture. Wearable tech isn’t going away.

4. Your smartphone is your wallet. There are two things I almost never leave home without: my iPhone, and my wallet. However, more and more, I’m increasingly depending on my smartphone to become my wallet. I pay for my coffee at Starbucks with an app, and I have made purchases using the PayPal app on my phone as well. It’s a trend that I find very conveinet, and I hope it continutes to grow.

5. QR Codes are dead. I think QR codes are super cool, but they just never really caught on in the North American market. The next big trend is going to be Near Field Communication, when your phone’s GPS will be able to establish connections with other devices nearby, and feed you information. You might, for example, be walking down the street, and recieve a message from a pizza joint on the block you are on, with a coupon or a discount for a pizza.

6. Content overload/exaustion. One of the biggest challenges we have as marketers today is simply cutting through the clutter. There are millions of messages out there every day… how do you make your message heard? Many companies are using creativity to try to catch people’s attention. Need an example? Check out Carnivore Club (it’s not what it appears to be).


Infographic courtesy of H2Central.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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