5 Quotes from Seth Godin

Last weekend, I took a big trip. I’d been invited on a FAM trip to Vernon (for my other blog), and the drive was about 4 ½ hours.

In preparation for this drive, I made sure Chica (my new-to-me- 2006 Kia Rio) had been tuned up, and I had a new stereo installed in her so I could listen to podcasts from my phone. I then downloaded the 15 episodes of the Social Media Examiner podcast I had yet to catch up on (and a few more) and hit the road.

One of the podcasts was an interview with Seth Godin. Now, I’m pretty sure you know who Seth is. He is one of the leaders and one of the heroes of my Social Media Marketing world. Author of 22 books and a daily blog, he travels the world speaking (I had the privilege of seeing him live last year). Godin is one of my heroes, because in his heart, he’s an artist, and I can identify with that. His philosophies around marketing match my own, and every time I hear him speak, I feel incredibly inspired. I was literally in tears listening to this podcast, and that’s not something that normally happens.

So, I thought I’d pull together 5 of my favourite quotes from Seth Godin, and hope that you feel inspired, as well.

seth godin quote blogging

seth godin quote leadershp

seth godin quote inspiration

seth godin quote creativity


seth godin quote success


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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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