Are You Connected? Pt 2
Last week I wrote a post on how important it is to make sure that your website and all your social media are connected to each other. I had a few questions after I posted it, mostly along the lines […]
Last week I wrote a post on how important it is to make sure that your website and all your social media are connected to each other. I had a few questions after I posted it, mostly along the lines […]
A couple of weeks ago, my sweetie, who is a singer/songwriter, got invited with another singer/songwriter friend to perform at an open-mic night. The host was a restaurant. The business-savvy owner wanted to video tape them and put the footage […]
If you’re on Facebook, you might have noticed Facebook asking if you wanted to connect your Facebook Fan Page automatically to your Twitter account. Here’s how it works: every time you post a status update on your Fan page, that […]
If you have a business, be it a art business or not, and you’re on Facebook (and if you’re not on Facebook, you need to get on!), you need a fan page. For a while there, I was on the […]
As all of you regular readers (thanks, btw!) know, I like to write quite often about technical tools, gadgets and websites that can help make our lives and businesses easier. The latest one I’m enamored of is Networked Blogs. Introduced […]
I recently learned a cool little trick on Facebook that I wanted to share with you. You can now connect your business’ fan page to other business’ fan pages. You do this by becoming a fan of their page. I […]
Last week, I did a guest post on The Art Biz Blog. Alyson Stanfield has a very successful blog that, like mine, focuses on the business of being an artist, although hers is more geared towards visual artists, while my […]
I gotta hand it to the Facebook people–they are listening, and they are trying to keep up. You may have noticed that FB is looking a little different these days–on Sept 5, they went through yet another redesign. Over the […]
Three new things have happened in the last couple of weeks that make life just a little bit easier for those of us that love and use social media. Flickr to Twitter Twitterberry doesn’t work for photos on my Blackberry, […]
Monday’s post was about setting up a group for your business on Facebook. Today, we’ll talk about the pros and cons of creating a Fan Page. Why a Fan Page? In the grand scheme of things, a Fan Page is […]