You know I’m anti-auto-posting. I hate that stuff. I unfollow and unsubscribe to people all the time because I hate it so much. Still. In principle, it can make our lives easier. On the day I’m writing this post, I […]
You know I’m anti-auto-posting. I hate that stuff. I unfollow and unsubscribe to people all the time because I hate it so much. Still. In principle, it can make our lives easier. On the day I’m writing this post, I […]
Am I the only one around here that is starting to suffer from Social Media Exhaustion?? Over the last few months, Google has launched its own social network, Facebook rolled out an extensive revamp, Klout changed it algorithm, YouTube changed […]
What I’m about to say next will probably not shock, or come as a surprise to you: Social Media moves fast. Over the last couple of years, I have discovered more breaking news through my Twitter or Facebook streams than […]
It’s been an interesting week in Social Media. I love looking at case studies, and today I have two for you. ChapStick Chapstick recently launched a new ad campaign. It’s a photo of a woman’s butt (wearing jeans) as she […]
In July, I put up this post: Three Twitter Analytics Tools. At that moment, I had just been using this new Twitter analytics tool called Crowdbooster for a couple of days. I’ve had the chance to really put it through […]
I gave an interview last week with a Burnaby publication, and one of the questions they asked was “how can you track/prove that your social media is producing results and converting into sales?” Honestly, this is one of my least […]
I got called in to substitute teach another social media class this week at BCIT. One of their assignments is to amass a certain amount of followers on several different social networks. I thought I’d compile a list of some […]
At Social Media Camp last a couple of weeks ago, I attended a workshop called Get on the Bus: A Social Media Story, presented by Kemp Edmonds, who works at HootSuite.
There are three new things I want to share with you about Twitter that have either been released, or will be quite soon. 1. The new Firefox add-on for Twitter. If you already use Firefox for your web browser, you […]
Hockey games. The Oscars. Obama’s Inauguration. The Grammys. The Olympics. The Royal Wedding. These are all examples of events that are being “live-Tweeted” as they are going on by thousands of people all over the world as they watch them […]