Creating an email signature

Last week, I got an email from Simon. This, in and of itself, is not strange, given that we work together. A lot. What was new was this spiffy signature:
simon sig

I took a screenshot and converted it to a .jpg, so you’ll have to believe me when I say all links are clickable.

Email signatures are a powerful tool. They’re like the digital equivalent of a business card. As we become more and more active online, there are more and more places to connect with us, or points of entry. You might meet someone on LinkedIn that you didn’t know through Facebook, or vice-versa. So it’s important to allow your clientele to connect with you in whatever way they like the best.

So, first of all, if you don’t yet have an email signature, create one. Most email programs will allow you to do this, even the web-based ones like Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail.

Your signature should include any below that are applicable:

  • Name, position, company
  • Logo
  • Address (ONLY if you have an office, not your home address)
  • Phone number
  • Website URL
  • Blog URL
  • Ways to connect with social networking: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

I came across a cool little program that writes the code for you, called Sig22.

Special thanks to the lovely and talented Janet Baxter, who sent me this article from CNN Business on how to create a digital business card.

Maybe if you ask him nicely, Simon will tell you how he did his.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 2

  1. Not a chance! I hate sharing!

    Jost keeding, of course, I’d be happy to plug this little find, it’s a firefox extension called , the downside is it only works with FF, and it only works on your home computer, so when I send email from work, say, it doesn’t show up.

    It’s fully customizable though, and offers a bunch of cool templates that other people have designed to copy and paste and drop in your own deets. I love it, it’s like a little handshake and business card swap.

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