Create a Facebook Cover Image from Your Instagram Photos

I have a quick but fun tip for you today: how to create a Facebook Cover from your Instagram photos.


If you’re like me, you’re probably pretty obsessed with Instagram. As a marketing tool, I feel like it’s a great one to use to present a “slice of life” experience to your fans–what kinds of events make up a day in your life? You can get a snapshot into my life by following me at

There’s a cool little tool that allows you to take your last 50 Instagram photos and to create a perfectly-sized Facebook Cover image out of them. Here’s how:

  1. Go to Statigram.
  2. Log in using your Instagram credentials.
  3. In the main navigation menu, click “Promote.”

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4. Scroll down the page until you get to the option “Profile Cover.”

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5. Click the big blue button that says “Create Your Cover.” Let the program do its work.
6. Once your image has been generated, right-click on it to save it to your desktop.
7. Log into Facebook.
8. Go to your profile. When you hover over your Cover image, you’ll see a box that says “change cover.” Click it.

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9. Select “Upload Photo.”
10. Choose your newly-generated FB Cover image from wherever you’ve saved it to, and click “Save Changes” once it’s uploaded. You’re done!

Statigram, by the way, is a really cool little free program that also allows you to:

  • see a rundown of your Instagram stats
  • create an Instagram tab for your business page
  • create a photo gallery widget for your WordPress (or other) blog
  • create “follow me” buttons
  • …and much more.
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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 7

  1. Yeah, it’s a really cool tool. I’ve done a few things with it–Instagram tab for my FB page, and a gallery of Instagram photos in the sidebar of my blog. 🙂

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