142 Pinterest Board Ideas for Entrepreneurs [infographic]

I have a great infographic to share with you today from LaunchGrowJoy.com.

You know how much I love Pinterest. Over the years, though, my love of Pinterest has gone from Must pin all the things!!! to increasingly exploring more and more how to use it to drive traffic back to my blogs. Pinterest has gone from being the #4 source of traffic to my blog to #2, second only to Facebook.

Pinterest is amazing for driving traffic to your business website or blog. All you have to do is think like a Pinterest user. Make sure every single post you put up includes an image. And you don’t have to have a visually-inspiring business to take advantage of this. Accountants and financial planners, for example, could do great on Pinterest, because that demographic (ie: women between 20-45) is really interested in penny-pinching tips, and how to save for the future.

Here’s a couple of blog posts I’ve written on the topic: Driving Traffic to Your Blog Via Pinterest and Creating more Pinnable Images with Picmonkey.

Now! On to our infographic. If you’re a business, and you want to use Pinterest for your business, but are stuck for ideas about what to pin, than look no further!


Infographic courtesy of Launch-Grow-Joy.
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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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