New Workshops

Well, 2015 is sure shaping up to be busy!

If you want to catch up with me in real life over the next few months, there will be lots of opportunities.

First off, you can find me a the Canadian Internet Marketing Conference in gorgeous Squamish later this month. I’ll be on a panel on Sunday, March 28, at 11:30 am with some super cool peeps, namely Michael ZipurskyBosco Anthony, Kemp Edmonds, Vicki McLeod, and Katt Stearns. We’ll be doing a thing bout social media in B2B marketing.


Secondly, you may remember I attended the International Food Blogger’s Conference last year in Seattle. It’s where I met one of my favourite authors who writes about food blogging, Dianne Jacob. I even wrote a post about it. Well, I’m returning to the IFBC this year in September, but this time as a workshop facilitator! I’ll be co-teaching a workshop called What To Do After You Hit Publish with Lorraine Goldberg, who runs social for


In that same vein, I’ll also be co-leading a four-day retreat at Hollyhock with Don Genova called The Fork and The Road Eat! Travel! Blog! 


Finally, my spring/summer classes are open for registration at BCIT. Starting in April, I’ll be teaching three classes of Social Media Marketing for Business (two face to face, one online), and two classes of WordPress and Niche Market Blogging (one face to face, one online).

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I also have a couple of other online projects in the works. First off, I’m doing some work with Constant Contact. I’m going to be creating an e-newsletter that will be focussed on curating the best content for bloggers from across the web. It’s my goal to start monthly, and then build up to weekly or bi-weekly. If you want to subscribe, you can do so here.

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Finally, I’m putting together a 30-day challenge for Pinterest. I’d like to work with a small group of bloggers who will commit 15 minutes a day (5 days a week) to a Pinterest challenge. If you participate, I’d just ask that you share your numbers with me before and after the challenge. I want to see if I can increase the amount of traffic to my blog through Pinterest. Shoot me an email if you’re interested.

That’s all for now, folks! We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming!

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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